Thursday, November 1, 2012

30 Days of Random Thankfulness

It's that time of the year again!!! It's time for 30 days of random thankfulness. For the next 30 days, we will think of ways to surprise people with random acts of kindness. In addition we will think of new things to be thankful for each day. Now I have a rule to add to this. I say God, family and our military have to be left off the list. I think you should look past these three. Before you cringe, I feel you should give thanks everyday to God, your family and our military. For these 30 days you should look for things you don't think to be thankful everyday. We all get so caught up in life that we forget to be thankful and rather than just giving thanks on Thanksgiving, make this the month of giving thanks.

We had a lot of fun with this last year. Remember little things count. You don't have to spend a lot of money on this. Your random kindness could be helping someone carry their groceries or maybe you put a few quarters in someone's meter to extend their parking. or are great websites that you can consult to get great ideas.

Have a lot of fun with this and most importantly be thankful!!!!

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